"Nation, Identity, and Conflict". 9th Annual
World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN).
15-17 April 2004, New York.
Call for Papers:
"Nation, Identity, and Conflict" 9th Annual World Convention
of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) International
Affairs Building, Columbia University, NY Sponsored by the Harriman Institute
15-17 April 2004.
Deadline: 12 November 2003
Contact information: panel and individual paper proposals: darel@uottawa.ca
exhibits, advertisements, accommodation: gnb12@columbia.edu
web site: www.nationalities.org
100 panels on the Balkans, Baltics, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,
Moldova, Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey, China, with a special section
on Theoretical Approaches to Nationalism. AS WELL AS thematic panels on
Islamic Movements, Ethnic Violence, Conflict Resolution, Democratization,
Demography, Language Issues, and Ethnicity in Films/Videos.
The ASN Convention, the most attended international and inter-disciplinary
scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of
topics related to national identity, nationalism, ethnic conflict and
state-building in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union,
Central Asia, and adjacent areas. Disciplines represented include political
science, history, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, sociolinguistics,
and related disciplines. The Convention invites proposals for individual
papers or for complete panels. The 2004 Convention will introduce a new
section devoted to theoretical approaches to nationalism, from any of
the disciplines listed above. The papers in this section do not necessarily
have to be grounded in an area of the former Communist bloc usually covered
by ASN, as long as the issues examined are relevant to a truly comparative
understanding of nationalism-related issues. In this vein, we are welcoming
theory-focused and cross-regional proposals, rather than case studies
from outside Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Panel themes in previous conventions
included The Census Like an Election; Ethnic Minorities in Georgia; The
Ukrainian Famine of 1933?; The Kosovo War; The Russian-Chechen War(s);
Bosnia after Dayton: Disintegration or Reintegration; Security, Energy,
and Foreign Policy South of Russia; Historiography, Textbooks and Education;
Forced Migrations in the Balkans and the Caucasus; Approaches to the Prevention
of Ethnic Conflict and many more. Videos screened in 2003 included Returning
Home: Revival of a Bosnian Village and Greetings from Grozny. The ASN
web site (www.nationalities.org) contains a complete list of the 2003
panels and videos. As before, the 2004 Convention is inviting submissions
for documentaries or feature films made within the past year and available
in video (VHS or DVD) format. The videos selected for the convention will
be screened during regular panel slots and will be followed by a discussion
moderated by an academic expert. Location. The Convention will be held
at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, New York (address below).
The convention will begin on Thursday, April 15th, at 1 PM, and end on
Saturday, April 17th in the early evening. No panels will be held on Sunday.
Panel/Roundtable/Roundtable Proposals. There is no particular application
form to complete. Proposals can simply be e-mailed to Dominique Arel and
Troy McGrath at darel@uottawa.ca.
Registration. Registration fees are $45 for ASN Members, $60 for Non-Members
and $30 for Students. All panel participants must pre-register by February
15th, 2004. Non-panel participants are also urged to pre-register early.
Please note that the Convention will be unable to refund preregisterees
after March 1st, 2004. Pre-registration by panel participants and attendees
can be done electronically, by fax, or by regular mail. A registration
form can be downloaded from our ASN web page or be requested from Convention
Executive Director Gordon N. Bardos (gnb12@columbia.edu). Funding. Participants
are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation costs: ASN has
no funding available for participants Accommodation. The Convention does
not have particular arrangements with hotels. Our ASN web site, however,
provides a list of several hotels, in various price ranges. Participants
and attendees are strongly encouraged to reserve as early as possible.
Advertisements/Exhibitors. Several dozen publishers and companies had
exhibits and/or advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due
to considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged
to place their order early. For information, please contact Convention
Executive Director Gordon N. Bardos (gnb12@columbia.edu). Convention Papers.
The convention papers will be available for sale at the Convention for
$1 apiece. That policy has proven a huge success in the past. Web Site.
Our web site (http://www.nationalities.org) provides continuously updated
information on the ASN World Convention. Membership Subscription to ASN.
A yearly membership to ASN is $60 ($35 for students). Members receive
the journal Nationalities Papers quarterly, the periodical Analysis of
Current Events (ACE) quarterly, and the newsletter ASNews twice a year,
as well as a registration discount at the ASN Annual World Convention.
ASN Members also have the option of subscribing to Europe-Asia Studies
at the cut-rate of $60 yearly. A membership form can be downloaded from
our ASN web page (http://www.nationalities.org), or be requested from
Convention Executive Director Gordon Bardos (gnb12@columbia.edu) We look
forward to seeing you at the convention! The Convention organizing committee:
Gordon Bardos, Executive Director Troy McGrath, Co-Program Chair Sue Davis,
Co-Program Chair David Crowe, ASN President Dominique Arel, ASN Vice-President
(Conventions) APPLICATION INFORMATION ASN is accepting proposals for panels,
roundtables, or individual papers. There is no particular form to complete.
Proposals have to be emailed to Dominique Arel and Troy McGrath at darel@uottawa.ca.
All proposals must be included IN THE BODY OF A SINGLE EMAIL. Attachments
will be accepted only if they repeat the content of an email message/proposal,
and if all the information is contained in a single attachment. Proposals
exceeding the word limit will be returned to the sender, and CVs should
not be submitted (only short bios, outlined below). Proposals for panels
with presentations based on papers must include: *a chair, no more than
three paper-givers and a discussant *the title of the panel, as well as
the title for each of the papers *the affiliation, postal address, telephone,
fax, and email (very important) of all participants *a one-paragraph biographical
statement of each participant. This does not mean simply sending your
CV, this should be a paragraph Proposals for roundtables must include:
*a chair and no more than four presenters *the title of the roundtable
and a short (one paragraph) description of the purpose/theme of the roundtable
*the affiliation, postal address, telephone, fax, and email (very important)
of all participants *a one-paragraph biographical statement of each participant
(Not a CV) NOTE: A panel features presentations based on written papers.
A roundtable therefore is not based on specific papers, but rather on
a number of organized presentations. The number of roundtables, however,
will be limited. Proposals for individual papers must include: *the title,
and a 250-500 word abstract of the paper *the affiliation, postal address,
telephone, fax, and email (very important) of the applicant *a one-paragraph
biographical statement of each participant If audio-visual equipment (overhead
projector, PowerPoint, VCR) is required, please indicate so in your application.
Please understand that not ALL video/technical requests can be accommodated.
As before, applicants must abide by three golden rules: *No participant
may be listed more than once on a given panel *No participant may present
more than one paper at the convention *No participant may appear more
than twice in the convention program Proposals must be sent by email at
darel@uottawa.ca. An international Program Committee will be entrusted
with the final selections. Deadline for proposals: 12 November 2003 The
ASN convention's headquarters are located at: Harriman Institute Columbia
University 1216 IAB 420 W. 118th St. New York, NY 10027 212 854 8487 tel
212 666 3481 fax gnb12@columbia.edu